Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kefta (meat ball) Tagine with Eggs

This is a delicious Moroccan classic that will  bring fun to your dinner table. 

1clay tagine (if you don't have one of these use as large heavy bottom skillet with a lid)
1 1/2 pounds ground beef
4 eggs
2 tablespoons ras el hanout (house seasoning)
Any other spices to taste. (Get creative)
1/4 cup chopped parsley
2 medium onions sliced thin
1/2 cup water (add more as needed)

Add the spices and parsley to meat. And form into 1 inch balls. Place the Tagine on the stove over medium low heat and liberally  drizzle with olive oil.  Add the stems from the chopped parsley and the onions.  Add the meat balls, parsley and water.  Adjust the spices  to taste. Place the lid  on and let cook  for 20- 25 minutes or until the meat balls are cooked.  Crack the eggs over the meat balls and cover again.  Let this cook for another 8-10 minutes our until the eggs are cooked.  Serve this with fresh bread.  Tagine is as much about the experience as it is the food.  For more on  this recipe or any other please email me at alesia.leach@g

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